Vote on Your Favourite Allotment Blog | Easy Shed - The Lifestyle Hub


Vote on Your Favourite Allotment Blog

With it being National Allotment Week 4-10th August, what a perfect chance for a competition. We are asking for your help to decide on the best Allotment Blog. The winner of best blog will win a £50 Amazon Voucher.

Below are the links to our shortlisted entrants

Competition has now closed

Congratulations to the winner of the Allotment Blog Competition: Not Just Greenfingers

Make sure to cast your vote below, the blog with the most votes will be crowned winner on Friday 8th August 12pm.

Copy and paste the code below to embed the competition badge on your blog


  • Dragon Cotterill

    Whats the criteria for being a candidate? Because one of these blogs is no longer active.

  • Rosina Ayling

    The easyshed staff decided on the top 10 best blogs.